
Markets are places to find mundane objects, make friends and enjoy the most voluptuous fruits. They are as useful as they are mysterious, a bastion for diversity and pleasure. I decided to invite Vinik Juré to talk specifically about the many markets that happen during the week in the central valleys of Oaxaca. I hope you enjoy it. Here is Vinik's bio written by the man himself:

I like to learn, and learn is what I do. As a kid I had some experiences that left a footprint in my life: being a boy scout, which meant for me being a part of a group with conscience of its surroundings: people and nature. And reading Jules Verne, made me want to become and explorer, and exploring, experiencing and learning its what I've done my entire life. I became an entrepreneur 4 years ago, with every attachment of personality, the whole deal, not just by creating a legal company. Entrepreneurship is having the attitude, the mindset: I don't lead, I coach; I don't teach, I learn with. I haven´t become fearless, but I've learned to manage those fears to work for the best option.

My two majors (Aeronautical Engineering and Industrial Engineering) sometimes weren't letting me explore, learn enough or reach my full potential, so I often found myself at libraries or online surpassing the class syllabus and achieving more "real life" experience and knowledge with my ventures and some academic competitions. Then I started taking minors and workshops in other schools and online organizations, and realizing that knowledge was out there, not hostage in a single classroom, I just had to go out there and get it, or try at least, and I started a productive path of self education. My current job require for me to search and analyze business models and industries, networking across various fields of study and depths of knowledge, always stepping out my comfort zone. Oriented to social, rural, environmental, educational, and cultural organizations. I specialize in strategic management and operations efficiency. I've learned to learn, and I've also learned that a little (or a lot) knowledge in many areas is essential to the development of a business and myself. Two years ago I started writing short stories and essays for literary purpose and that's also one of my current activities. Mezcal enthusiast, researcher and explorer.

Check my project:


Fermented Coffee


Rum Basics